Vision and Mission


To educate qualified individuals who can produce solutions to current problems by integrating national values ​​with universal values, who are lifelong learners, who can contribute to the world of science by using the knowledge and skills of the researches carried out. In addition, to make the basic education that our country needs effective, to actively take part in the studies aimed at increasing the effectiveness of basic education, and to present its production in the fields of education for the benefit of society.


To educate qualified individuals who adopt the values ​​of the Republic of Türkiye, have high-level reasoning skills, have mastered scientific process skills, think creatively and critically, follow the studies carried out in the field of basic education, aim to solve the problems in the field of basic education with the principles of reason and science, and contribute to national and universal development with the education and training it will provide in national and international environments, the knowledge and technology it will produce, as a department that thinks creatively and critically.